To draw is to sit quiet and look for freedom inside, to pause the dreams and complete myself.

Somos (apenas) energia que nos move entre partes. Fazemos todos parte.

Mycelium, 2025

We are (just) energy that moves us between parts. We are all part of it.
210x270 mm

Work and mind


I began with graphic design. Language and aesthetics granted me greater freedom. Drawing entered my life through intuition.


The writing followed the drawings and became a more complex path. Words are more vulnerable and harder to reach.


Stepping out of my comfort zone, in my objectives , in my narrative, in my relationship with the camera, and in the future. Food is a significant topic.


Caring, feeding, and nourishing are active and innate in me. Cooking regenerative food, building combinations, flavors, and textures in reciprocity with all the elements involved in the process.

Draw, the way I like to express.

Photograph, aesthetic through another eye.

Nourish, cooking for retreats, events and home kitchens.

For any questions, please contact me.