The writing followed the drawings and became a more complex path. Words are more vulnerable and harder to reach.
Seeds, a life itself
It all started in the mountains of Arrábida with a Seeds Project. Walks through nature, collecting, nurturing, sowing, and loving them.
Then it became a book.
Seeds, a life itself
Book cover
Guards of the book
“Collet, eat, blow.
Seed in your hand or in a bird’s beak.”
“This book represents an encounter of ideas, intention, hope, and positive atitude. An unconditional love for nature, for seeds, and for the forest.”
“Taking its time, growing side by side, in harmony.”
This book was written by me and Paulo. It was an accomplishment of many ideas and work together. His fantastic voice gave life to our seeds, birds, and hopes.
See more about Paulo: ONIRONAUTA
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This book was a project with the theme : finding color.
But I didn't use color.
The color exists in the sensations, the textures, the emotions, which I hope readers will discover in their imaginations.
After all, what is color if we don't see it?
Book cover
“Nunca mais vou ver a cor dos teus olhos quando estavas de costas, mas vou saber no meu olhar, o que é o amor.
Nunca mais vou ser feliz por gostar de estar perto de ti. (…)”
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This book is an unfinished prototype
Áudio by Paulo Ribeiro,
Onironauta youtube